
Myopic (Near-Sigthed) People Are Much More Likely To Develop Glaucoma

Along with an increased risk of retinal holes, tears, and detachments, myopic (or near-sighted) people are now considered to be at a much higher risk for developing the most common type of glaucoma (primary open angle glaucoma). According to a review published online in the Journal of Ophthalmology: myopic patients  have a 90% increased risk. Patients with severe myopia are at an even higher risk of developing glaucoma.

Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) damages peripheral vision via retinal deterioration secondary to increased intraocular pressure. POAG can cause debilitating vision loss and even legal blindness with absolutely NO symptoms whatsoever. On average patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma will become legally blind in 14 years if it is not detected and treated. Most cases of Glaucoma can be easily treated and managed by lowering intraocular pressure using prescription eye drops.

What does this new piece of information mean for you? It means: that even though everyone should have an annual eye exam,  it is even more important for anyone with a minus sign in front of their prescription to get examined each and every year.

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